School Director
To all the Harrellian Batch 2023-2024, my heartfelt congratulations to all of you. You are about to begin a new chapter of your life towards the fulfillment of your goals and the shaping of your future. Your effort and hard work, your grit, and perseverance will determine the kind of life and the choices you make about what you will become someday. As you exit the portal of your Alma Mater, clothe yourselves with the shield of faith, for it will help you to weather the storms of life. Put on the whole armor of God, His Word, for you to resist the temptations of the worldly pursuit of happiness, which is fleeting and temporary.

As Harrellians, bear in mind that uncertainties will always be part of life’s journey. Only His Word will be your guiding light for you to walk on the right path and be the beacon of light that will make you shine in this darkened world. Aim for wisdom; be the star in God’s eyes and not of this world. Make your life inspiring and give hope to others someday. Mind your values and characters, for they will be your foundation for life. Be the architect of change and impact others' lives. Don't aim for success with emptiness and a lack of peace; true success is when you live in peace with other people and with yourself. Find your WHY to live for you to bear the HOW’s of life and be an overcomer. Along the way, there will be detours, but just continue and not give up, for only losers do, but winners don’t.


Dear Harrellians! Your life is destined to bring God’s glory to the way you live. Don't be a great pretender! But instead, be an overcomer! You are a strong graduate who will be part of shaping the bright future of this beautiful country, our native land, the Philippines!


Long live Harrellians!